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Fudge Friday: Distractions

Fudge Friday: Distractions

We’re back to Fudge Fridays where I confess my knitting mess ups.

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This design was a take on an artist’s smock. I loved this little cardigan. It had three buttons up top and flared open. On the back was a pleat with an “artist’s palette” with 10 different colors of yarn, knit in intarsia.

I designed the cardi for Knit.1 magazine, a funky little publication now out of print, to be knit in pieces from the bottom up. I was on a tight deadline (as always), but had written the pattern. I started with the back. The pleat was dead center of the back and as it went up to the neck, stitches were decreased on each side (in black).

I confess, I was watching a baseball game (my team, the Yankees - I was born in the Bronx) and my husband was talking to me. I shouldn’t have been anywhere near anyone for the set up, at least, but…you guessed it: I miscalculated and the pleat wasn’t centered.

It wouldn’t have been that bad if I only had to take out the cast on, but I was at the underarm before I realized it!

ALL THAT RIPPING IN 10 DIFFERENT COLORS! I was so upset that I had wasted all that time and now the deadline was even tighter. But, in the end, it turned out perfectly. It’s still one of my favorite pieces.

Lesson: Pay attention to the set up!

Lesson: Pay attention to the set up!

The Pleat Back Smock pattern is available from the Vogue Knitting store here.

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